My current projects focus on the recovery of high-resolution deformation rates from folds and faults. These data serve to inform our evolving ideas on what modulates rates of deformation. We continue to explore the roll surface processes play in localizing deformation and varying deformation rates as well as other internal controls such as mechanical or geometric strength changes. The research is typically empirical and occurs in both active and ancient orogens. Recent projects have been in the Apennirnes, Italy, Pyrenees, Spain, Betic Cordillera, Spain, and U.S. Rockies. Some projects involve paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic age models, others involve landscape evolution or structural modeling. Current students are working on kinematics and rates of fault-related folding recorded by growth strata in the Pyrenees. I lead an international group working on tectonics and landscape evolution in the Betic Cordillera, Spain. I am also involved in science curriculum development projects focusing on tectonics, climate change, and energy.
EES Research in Active Tectonics
EES has a group of eight faculty (Meltzer–seismology, Zeitler-thermochronology, Kodama-rock and paleomagnetism, Bebout-metamorphic petrology, Anastasio-structural geology, Ramage-remote sensing, Sahagian-volcanology, Pazzaglia-tectonic geomorphology) who conduct research on the crustal processes that build mountains, the surficial processes that tear them down by erosion, and the stratigraphy that archives these processes and Earth history. This research is being conducted along plate boundary and intraplate settings of China, Tibet, Mongolia, Spain, Italy, and the U.S. in mountains that harbor numerous natural hazards, among them great earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. EES has deep expertise in petrology, the study of biogeochemical cycling at plate boundaries; seismology, the passive and active source documentation of crustal structure; tectonics, the characterization of the processes and rates driving crustal deformation; structural geology, the field characterization of deformation kinematics; and geomorphology, the long-time scale documentation of landscape change in response to tectonics. We have recently incorporated InSAR remote sensing capability document real-time crustal deformation using satellite-derived imagery. We have complementary capabilities to instrument and monitor regions for long-term data characterization of active tectonic and geomorphic processes.
Chronology of the Orogenic Record
Using magnetic polarity stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy to determine high-resolution chronologies of growth strata to inform orogenic processes, Pyrenees Mountains, Spain.
Dr. Josep Parés, CENIEH, Spain and Dr. Ken Kodama, EES, Lehigh University
RECENT PUBLICATIONS (* denotes student co-author)
Anastasio, D.J., Kodama, K.P., Parés, J.M., Hinnov, L.A., Idleman, B.D. 2021. Internal and external modulation of folding rates with 104 to 105 year time resolutions from growth strata, Pico del Aguila, Spain. Geochemestry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2021GC009828.
Anastasio, D.J., Teletzke, A.L., Kodama, K.P., Parés, J.M.C., Gunderson*, K.L. 2020. Geologic evolution of the Peña Flexure, Southwestern Pyrenees mountain front, Spain. Journal of Structural Geology.
Gunderson,* K. L., Anastasio, D. J., Pazzaglia, F. J., Kodama, K. P. 2018. Intrinsically variable blind thrust faulting. Tectonics, 37 (4) 1454-1471.
Active Tectonics in the Northern United States Rocky Mountains

Using GPS profiling of mapped surficial deposits, fault-scarp modeling, and geochronology (Radiocarbon, OSL, TCN), surface ruptures are being investigated in the northern Rocky Mountains.
Dr. Claudio Berti, Idaho Geologic Survey and Sarah Truxal, BA 2020, Lehigh University
Anastasio, D.J., Pazzaglia, F.J., Majerowicz*, C.M., Regalla*, C.A., 2010. Late Pleistocene-Holocene ruptures of the Lima Reservoir fault, SW Montana. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 32, p. 1996-2008. http//
Ryan Fund, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University
Margaret D. and William F. Hecht Summer Research Fellowship, Lehigh University
Hominin Migration in the Baza Basin, Spain
Stratigraphy, sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy, and magnetic polarity stratigraphy are being used to study the causes, patterns, and, timing are early migrations to western Europe.
Dr. Josep Parés, CENIEH, Spain and Dr. Claudio Berti, Idaho Geologic Survey
First Europeans: Timing and Causes of Biped Migrations out of Africa through Morocco and Spain. Faculty Innovations Grant, Lehigh University
Tectonic Forcing of Landscape Evolution
Betic Cordillera, Spain

Geologic mapping, OSL dating, and geospatial analysis of fluvial systems inform the tectonic forcing of landscapes.
Dr. Josep Parés, CENIEH, Spain and Dr. Claudio Berti, Idaho Geologic Survey, James Carrigan, PhD expected 2022, Lehigh University
Carrigan*, J., Anastasio, D., Berti., C., Pazzaglia, F., in prep. Drainage Reorganization and Incision in an Active Orogen: Fragmentation of a Longitudinal Network into Transverse Drainages, Betic Cordillera. To be submitted to Tectonics.
Application of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics to determine the kinematics of active tectonics, northern Apennines, Italy

Surficial geologic mapping and AMS studies of tectonic fabric development provide clues to ongoing orogenic kinematics in orogenic forearcs.
Dr. Frank Pazzaglia, Lehigh University
Anastasio, D.J., Pazzaglia, F.J., Parés, J.M., Kodama, K.P., Berti, C., Fisher*, J., Montanari, A., Carnes*, L.K., 2021 Application of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics to active tectonics: Examples from the Betic Cordillera, Spain and the northern Apennines, Italy. Solid Earth. 12, 1125–1142,
Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) fabric as a paleogeodetic measure of tectonic strain, transient stress, and blind faults in active orogens.Grant proposal in preparation fall 2021 submission to the National Science Foundation. David Anastasio, lead PI.
Learning Outreach in the Lehigh River Watershed, Pennsylvania
Interactive virtual reality education curricular units of the history, industrial development, environmental consequences, and remediation in the Lehigh River watershed.
Dr. Alec Bodzin, Dr. Tom Hamond, and Robson Araujo Junior PhD expected 2023, all Lehigh University
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., and Birchak, B. (in press). Learning about environmental issues with a desktop virtual reality field trip. Innovations in Science Teacher Education.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., and Anastasio, D. 2021. Investigating engagement and flow with a placed-based immersive virtual reality game. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 30(3), 347-360. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-020-09870-4
Lehigh Gap Story.
Flood adventures with iVR. Grant proposal in preparation fall 2021 submission to the National Science Foundation. Alec Bodzin lead PI.